Welcome to MATHARU Group
Manufacturer of Agriculture Implements
Multi Grain Dryers
Welcome to MATHARU Group
Manufacturer of Agriculture Implements
Multi Grain Dryers
Mobile Grain Dryers
Suitable to Farmers for
PADDY, MAIZE, Soyabean, and other Grains
Mobile Grain Dryers
Suitable to Farmers for
PADDY, MAIZE, Soyabean, and other Grains
Batch Capacity 1-3-5-7 tonBed Type Grain Dryers
Suitable for small batches of Garlic, Chilly, Turmeric, Ginger, Ground Nut and other Herbs & Pulses
EXPLOREBed Type Grain Dryers
Suitable for small batches of Garlic, Chilly, Turmeric, Ginger, Ground Nut and other Herbs & Pulses
Small Grain Dryers
Suitable for small batches of RICE, PADDY, MAIZE, Soyabean, and other Grains
EXPLORESmall Grain Dryers
Suitable for small batches of RICE, PADDY, MAIZE, Soyabean, and other Grains
Multi Chamber Grain Dryers
Best for Large Rice mills, Feed mills, Dal mills and production trades
Meant for low height and large capacity
Multi Chamber Grain Dryers
Best for Large Rice mills, Feed mills, Dal mills and production trades
Meant for low height and large capacity