Super Seeder is one of the unique technique which is used for sowing wheat without any burning of rice residue. This technology is eco friendly with environment for the health of soil as well as it also saves water. For Sowing wheat on time the burning of Rice residue decreases the soil fertility and is harmful for human beings, Animals and environment. With the burning of rice residue gases produced creates very harmful situations for our environment. Therefore MATHARU Super Seeder is the most successful implement for sowing wheat in rice residue without burning rice residue instead of without any burning.

Benefits of Matharu Super Seeder

  • Possibility of sowing wheat crop just after rice harvesting i.e. option for long duration wheat and rice varieties.

  • Possibility of sowing wheat in the residual moisture i.e. saving of one irrigation.

  • Timely sowing wheat even after long duration basmati rice varieties.

  • Crop residue as much helps in moisture and temperature conservation.

  • Improved soil health.

  • Environment friendly technology to check air pollution.


Model by Size Feet
Width Ft.
Height Ft.
Length Ft.
Working Width 1740 mm
Working Depth  
HP Required 55-60
Number of Flanges 12
PTO Speed (RPM) 540
Rotor Speed 1500
Weight 925 Kg.
Gear Box  
No. of Depth Control Wheel